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How to Disable avast! Pop-up Notifications (Software Updater, Virus Definitions) | +1-877-773-3202 (toll free)

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The Ultimate Guide to Disabling avast! Fly up Notifications  | +1-877-773-3202 (toll free)
A considerable amount of avast! clients are requesting that how handicap the pop-ups and warnings which can be some of the time somewhat irritating. For the most part in the most recent rendition 2014 (or 9) which accompanied the highlights like Software Updater, Secure Line, or Grime Fighter. These highlights are to a great degree valuable however its ordinary pushing pop-ups might be excessively. At any rate here are a couple of straightforward tips on the best way to handicap those prominent warnings | +1-877-773-3202 (toll free).


Check 1. Incapacitate Pop-up after Virus Definitions Update

This fly up notice is likely the most known one. It has dark foundation with blue catch (in more seasoned form it was all green with dim catch) and each time it comes, the avast! woman will begin "avast! infection database has been refreshed". This notice is shown each time your program gets consequently refreshed with the most recent database of infection definitions – which might be up to two times each day.
As the update itself is very vital, the notification, and sound may be not. So here’s very simple tip how to turn it off while keep your antivirus still updated in the background.
Simply open your program and navigate to ‘Settings’ in the left-side menu. Find menu item ‘Update’ (fifth from top) and look for section ‘Details’. There you will find an option ‘Show notification box after automatic update’. It’s obviously checked by default so just uncheck it. That’s it, you should never see this pop-up again. Also you can disable notifications if any error occurs during the update process.

Check 2. Read more....

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